INFO@DCT.HR | +385 1 3845 660

DCT is part of Pro media group, a full-service, interdisciplinary agency.

We are fully dedicated and in love with tourism and culture, and we know there is better way to do strategy and help you coordinate digital transformation across your business or project:

Marketing Communications




We are fully dedicated and in love with tourism and culture, and we know there is better way to do strategy and help you coordinate digital transformation across your business or project:


We are very aware of the fact that businesses are built on relationships and that relationships rely on people. This said, our first and foremost goal is to go out of our way to ensure that you love working with us.



Ivan is a consultant at Digital Cultural Transformation with a deep understanding of tourism and processes in the tourism industry. He was formerly the Director of the Corporate Affairs Division at the Croatian National Tourist Board, , as well as Assistant Director for product development and destination management.

He was in charge of, and led the development team for the  national tourist traffic registration and monitoring system eVisitor. He is focused on new solutions and implementation in organizations. Ivan is working with clients to help them to create digitally agile organizations.



Tina is a partner in Digital Cultural Transformation dedicated to building brand and communication strategy and setting up the marketing function in the digital age. She formerly was the director of the Marketing & Brand divisions at the Croatian National Tourist Board, and has respectable knowledge of both tourism and digital. She also worked at Dentsu and Aegis as Head of Digital.

Tina works with clients on their transformations, including strategy, implementation, and capability building. She is largely focused on defining brand and media strategy for clients. She has served clients across several industries including media, telecommunications, travel, entertainment, and automotive


Our approach to work can be described in one word - no-nonsense. We stand out by working collaboratively with you and to rethink business models and technology.


The blend of creativity and strategy that we employ results in dynamic, yet cost-effective outcomes that ensures future growth for our clients. With us, you get consistency, transparency, commitment, and unconditional professionalism.


DCT – Digitalne kulturne transformacije d.o.o. OIB: 10751256735 Adresa : 10000 Zagreb, Trg Drage Iblera 7, | Telefon: 385 1 3845 660 | Žiro račun: HR6825030071111001484 | Matični broj: 4932935 | Tina Jukić Tomljanović – direktorica